Monday, June 28, 2010
I bought a whole forest of these trees at HOB LOB
about 4 years ago and when one burns out
I go (OK really my HUBBY goes) to the attic to get a new one
this tree is 8ft and the old one
(that ran out of SpArkLe...aka lights burned out)
was 7ft
you would think one foot no big deal BUT
yes it is... ONE foot requires MORE...
so here we go...
You start with a pre-lit tree
do you see what I got it for
that's like $1.25ish per foot!!!!
also have one more 8ft and 3 more 5 feet ones
stored away MUAH HA HA...
NOW back to decorating it...
I add the big ribbon first and then go from there...
I didn't go all the way around the tree
SO the ducks are important to us this JULY 4th :)
i decorate it according to the season...
look at the pic below...
and now imagine your dad-oh is washing your foot off with the hose
because you stepped in duck poop
your first foot went fine...
the second foot...
when your Dad-oh picked it up to wash it off...
you lost your balance and went
HEAD first into the duck pool...
you got out OK
and told your Dad-OH
what Happened???
thank goodness Dad-OH just cleaned the duck pool or
MOMMA would have pushed him in too!!!
here are some pics of our growing ducks
DUCKS were not invited (Drew's pool is in the back yard duck pool in front yard)
Sunday, June 27, 2010
This week in I ♥ Faces it is all about pets!!!
Max shares his tennis balls with his daughter...Rita.
Max we LOVE you!!!
I would love some comments!!! & If you want to enter your pictures go to I ♥ Faces. It is really fun!!! & don't forget to check out the other entries as well!!!
Saturday, June 26, 2010
I have been playing around with my new Photo shop...
I am by no means an expert at this but...
playing around is fun.
& slightly addicting!!!
Now I'll take you through some of the pics I Photo shopped!!!
Remember this cutie..
yes it is Drew...
who else did you expect???
But the original pic looked like this...
with a fence...
a real fence
AND now I have this...
I added a texture layer behind him in the fence to look like...
an old advertisement brick wall...
I think it is pretty good!!!???
This is Max...
my in-laws' box head lab...
he is very sweet and love able...
Max has not been feeling good lately...
and has been taken off all his insulin and meds...
we are enjoying the time we have left with him...
I absolutely LOVE this picture...
I added a textured frame and some vintage action to the original...
isn't he the best looking lab ever???
OK OK this is NOT a Pageant queen...
this is my good friends' daughter...
she tried on this crown in Santa Fe and I took a pic...
after photoshop....
i got this...
I KNOW I KNOW... you need sunglasses for her teeth I will work on that...
BUT... look at her smooth skin..
and the shine of the crown!!!
and the eyes really POP!!!
not too bad for one of my first?!?
and then I have my favorite family pic from Santa Fe...
and i tweaked it with a fab black and white action
added a vignette and
I got this...
the first pic is a close up of Drew...
imagine that...
it is the original...
the next one is after I applied Baby Powder Room action
and then the next is with a black and white ...
i like them...
do you???
the last one...
here is bubby with a textured layer applied behind him..
I like how it looks like early morning dew or something...
I really got addicted to this photoshop thing...
and since it takes a good amount of time and with an almost 2 yr old...
you have no time...
I was doing these late late late...
like 3AM people...
i enjoy it
and I hope with a little more practice I can get better!!!
Labels: phot shop
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
This is me taking a picture of me...
I never thought I would be able to use this pic...
especially in another blog...
BUT while I was up Blog Stalking...
I came across this wonderful blog named...
& guess what she wants to see....
self portraits...
so here it is...
...chin down - check
...neck out- check
...wide eyes- check
...SuPeR ChEEsEy grin- check