Sunday, July 13, 2008

Just Some Stuff

These are just a few pictures of what has been going on in our house. I have

just recently ... OK TODAY... put some of my paintings on EBAY. The 3 above I posted and we will see how they do. If you are interested you can search EBAY for Folk Art Painting. AND >>>> YES one of the angels is bald. I was inspired to create her after all of my loved ones who have battled or are battling cancer. Her name is Kenleigh ~ Angel of Strength the other is named Leenora ~ Angel of Wisdom and the tree is just a simple circle tree or some call them penny trees. The flower is from my passion vine in the backyard. I love this flower because it is so unique and it only lasts for one day. The picture of the dogs is so funny. I was working on the computer and heard all of them barking ALL OF THEM... so I went to see what the commotion was...well..... there they were all barking at squirrels sitting on our back porch eating bird seed. There were 3 squirrels and each dog was barking at their own squirrel. It didn't even phase the squirrels they just kept eating. WELL THAT'S ALL~ one more thing at the bottom of this page is our new GUESTBOOK... PLEASE SIGN IT....THANKS LOVE YOU ALL


Anonymous said...

I love love LOVE your artwork! the angels are so sweet and the tree is beautiful! You are so talented!

Your baby is going to be one lucky baby!

Carol (from AIM)